Pirot race - Find the tresure - Instructions

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The story
There is a hidden treasure on an island in the ocean. It is in a deep dark cave, locked behind a heavy door. The pirates want to find the treasure. But they need to unlock the door first. The door key is guarded by a huge sea monster. The pirates also need the help of the glowing ghost to find their way in the dark. So let the treasure hunt begin!

Game contents:
30 cards:
     - 18 objects
     - 3 avatars
     - 2 operators: (+) and (-)
     - 2 objectives: key and treasure
     - 6 wild cards
10 chips
Instructions: 1pcs
The Island game field


Operators (+) и (-)



Wild cards:
In Game 1:


In games 2 and 3:
a turn
an animal
two ghosts

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Game 1

Addition up to 20

Be the first to get the key
The sea monster has been guiding the key for ages. It is horribly bored. Whoever pirate offers it 10 presents, one for each tentacle, will get the key. If the pirate makes a mistake and gives the monster more objects, it will push him into the water and he loses in that round.

Used materials:
The game box and the Island game field;
     Objects: all but 8 and 9
     Wild cards: Wavefall, Stouty, Jovy
     Objective: Key
Chips: According to the number of players, see the diagram above.

Game setup:
Turn the game box with the Island play field with the sea monster facing the players. Stick the Key objective card between the play field and the box as shown below. Each player selects an Avatar card and places the chips on it. Each chip represents a life point.
Shuffle the cards and place them in front of the box.

Wild cards:
Splashes waves on the rafts and the objects fall off.
All collected cards return to the deck.
Steals as many objects from the raft as he can.
Place him on the card with the most objects and reset it.
He would not carry heavy things, but he will help a friend.
Put him on the card with least or no objects and reset it.

Game play:
The tallest player is the first to deal the cards face up (see the diagram!). The rest of the deck is placed facing down in front of the game box. The players take turn clockwise. The first player places one of his cards in front of the monster and draws one card from the deck. The next player places one of his cards in front of the monster, trying to keep the sum of the objects on all cards, including his own, less than 10. If the sum is greater than 10, the monster pushes the player in the water and he loses this round. He has to place a chip on The Island game field. Collect the cards and deal them again.

End of the game:
The game is over when only one of the players has any chips left. He wins the game and gets the key to the treasure. He wins the Key objective card, which gives him the right to play first in Game 2.

Hint for the adults:
You can play games 1 and 2 independently or consecutively.

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Game 2

Subtraction of numbers up to 10

Discover the treasure!
The treasure is hidden in a deep dark cave, where there are 9 glowing ghosts. Help them come up come up with and solve problems, and they will show you the way to the treasure.

Used materials:
The bottom of the box
     All object cards
     Wild cards: Skip a turn; Play an animal; Win two ghosts
     Operators: (-) and (+)
     Objective: Treasure
9 Chips

Game setup:
Place the game box bottom up with the ghosts visible. The cave should face the players. Stick the Treasure objective card under the box. Place a chip on each ghost. Choose an Avatar card and place it in front of you. The (-) operator card should be next to the box.
Shuffle the deck and place it in front of the box.

Wild cards:
Skip turn
No problems are solved.
The player does not win a chip.
Play an animal:
In order to win a chip, except for the correct solution of the problem, the player must impersonate an animal of his choice within 30 seconds.
Win two ghosts
Take cards from the deck until you get two objects. You have to solve two problems in order to win two chips -- one with addition and one with subtraction.
You win chips only if you solve both problems right.

Game play:
If you played Game 1 first, the pirate holding the key plays first. Otherwise the youngest player starts. The player draws three cards from the deck. He has to make a subtraction problem with two of them using the (-) card. If he sets up and solves the problem correctly, he gets a chip and places it on his Avatar card. He wins one of the ghosts over for the treasure hunt. If there is a wild card drawn the player executes its task. When ready, the player returns the cards to the deck.

End of the game
The player who gets the most chips wins the game.
If there are three players playing the score can be even. In this case the treasure is divided between them.

Hints for adults:
Keep in mind that the smaller number is subtracted from the bigger, ordering them from left to right.
You can use additional rules in the game:

Example 1:
If a child tends to use only the smallest numbers, place the Stouty card and announce that for this round you have to use the cards with the most objects.
Example 2:
If you want to encourage solving problems with greater difference between the numbers place the Stouty and Jovy cards and announce that for this round you have to use the cards with most and fewest objects.

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Game 3

Addition of numbers up to 10
Play with an adult!
For beginners

Discover the treasure!
The treasure is hidden in a deep dark cave, where there are 9 glowing ghosts. Help them come up come up with and solve problems, and they will show you the way to the treasure. If you fail, they will hide deep in the cave.

Used materials:
The bottom of the box
     Objects: 1,2,3,4 and 5
     Wild cards: Skip a turn; Play an animal; Win two ghosts
     Operator: (+)
     Objective Treasure
9 chips

Game setup:
Place the game box bottom up with the ghosts visible. The cave should face the players. Stick the Treasure objective card under the box. Place a chip on each ghost. Choose an Avatar card and place it in front of you. Place the Skip a turn wild card and the (+) operator card next to the box.
Shuffle the deck and place it in front of the box.

Wild cards:
If you draw 2 Wild cards, you have to give one back in the deck!
Play an animal:
Draw cards from the deck until you have two object cards.
You have to solve the problem and impersonate an animal within 30 seconds.
If you succeed, you win a chip.
If you fail on any of the task, place a chip on the Skip a turn card.
Win two ghosts
Draw cards from the deck until you have three object cards.
Sum the objects on all three cards. If you succeed you win two chips.
If you fail, place two chips on the Skip a turn card.

Game play:
The player draws two cards from the deck. If he draws a wild card he executes the required task. The player arranges the cards to form an addition problem with the (+) operator card and to solve it.
If he succeeds he wins a chip from the game field and wins one ghost over. If he fails, he places the chip on the Skip a turn wild cart and the ghost hides deep in the cave. After his turn, the player returns the cards to the deck.

End of the Game
When the player has collected 8 chips, he has enough light to find the treasure hidden in the cave!

Hints for adults:
You can use additional rules in the game according to the child's abilities:

Example 1:
If the child is ready to transition to numbers bigger than 10, use all the object cards.
Example 2:
You can use the game to practice subtraction, replace the (+) operator with the (-) operator. The Wild cards have the same function.

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Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.
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